据国内贸易局及家具信息部门了解,1999年家具销售活跃,预测增长10%以上。影响因素主要来自6个方面: 1.家具消费观念更新 由于人们生活水平的提高,家具消费观念由功能性的追求转化为时尚、个性化的追求,因此家具更新周期缩短,一般在4至8年左右。另外百万青年进人婚期,新组家庭也带动了家具消费的迅速增长。除此以外,中国农民生活水平提高,家具消费观念由自制家具变为购买家具,仅此一项,家具需求将以每年30%的速度递增。 2.住宅条件的改善刺激家具的需求
According to the understanding of the Domestic Trade Bureau and the Furniture Information Department, furniture sales were active in 1999 and it is forecast to grow by more than 10%. The influencing factors mainly come from six aspects: 1. The concept of furniture consumption is updated. Due to the improvement of people’s living standards, the concept of furniture consumption is transformed from the pursuit of functionality into the pursuit of fashion and individuation. Therefore, the period of furniture renovation is shortened, generally 4 to 8 years. about. Another million young people entered the wedding and the new group of households also led to a rapid growth in furniture consumption. In addition to this, the living standards of Chinese peasants have increased, and the concept of furniture consumption has changed from home-made furniture to purchased furniture. This alone, the demand for furniture will increase at an annual rate of 30%. 2. Improvement of residential conditions stimulates demand for furniture