经过学者对约 4万件左右 (其中约有 3万件流失海外 )传世敦煌遗书的辨别研究 ,发现有一部分出自吐鲁番。 1 983年我国在兰州成立敦煌吐鲁番学会。敦煌吐鲁番学研究所涉及的范围之广 ,资料之丰 ,成果之多 ,是前所未有的 ,综观其内容真可以把它称之为是一部研究中国中古时期社会经济和意识形态的“百科全书” ,它已成为 2 0世纪文物考古方面的显学。冯其庸先生是一位红学家 ,也是熟谙文物考古的专家 ,在他长期的学术生涯中 ,曾七次实地考察过玄奘的西行路线 ,其部分成果已发表在 1 995年大型中国西部摄影集、西行散记的专著《瀚海劫尘》中。中华书局编审兼中国敦煌吐鲁番学会秘书长柴剑虹同志的专著《郭煌吐鲁番论稿》又展示了他在研究中的新成果。为了纪念敦煌遗书被发现 1 0 0周年 ,本刊特献上冯先生之文 ,以飨读者。
After scholars about about 40,000 pieces (of which about 30,000 lost overseas) Dunhuang classification of the suicide note and found that some from Turpan. In 1983, our country established the Dunhuang Turpan Society in Lanzhou. The study of Dunhuang and Turfan has a wide scope, abundant information and many achievements, which is unprecedented. Looking at its contents, it can be called an “encyclopedia” of social economy and ideology in ancient China. It has become a significant study of archeology in the 20th century. Mr Fung Kai-yung is a red-tipped scientist and expert in cultural relics and archeology. During his long academic career, he visited Xuanzang’s westbound route on seven occasions. Some of his achievements have been published in the large-scale western China photographic exhibition in 1995, West scattered digest monograph “Hanhai robbery”. His book Monograph on Guohuang Turpan, edited and edited by Zhonghua Book Company and Comrade Chai Jianhong, secretary-general of Dunhuang Society of China, also shows his new achievements in his research. In commemoration of the founding of Dunhuang Manuscript was found in the 100th anniversary, this article dedicated to Mr Fung text to readers.