The United States produces more than 34.5 million acres of hay each year, and each of the states has a significant area for hay production, mainly in Texas, Missouri, Kentucky, New York, Nebraska and Wisconsin. Although the vast majority of these hay are used as forage grazing directly, they are valued at not less than $ 2.85 billion. In general, hay is the generic term for the aerial parts of various plants harvested, dried and stored as spare forage for livestock. Of course, this is not a norm. Legumes produce the hay with the highest nutritional value, while the mix of leguminous and grassy grasses provides stable, high-yielding and high-quality forage. The demand for labor and the unstable climate The harvest of hay must be efficient and rapid. The process of harvesting, drying and storing should be completed within a certain period of time as this will both reduce the amount of labor and machinery involved in harvesting