编辑同志: 周某与我的经济纠纷一案判决已经生效,苦于其没有财产,对欠我40多万元货款不自动履行判决的周某一直没有强制执行。最近我了解到周某有栋价值30多万元的楼房已经卖出,但没有办理产权过户登记手续,请问,我可否申请法院对这栋楼房予以强制执行? 陈春蕾陈春蕾同志: 房屋产权过户登记具有物权登记的性质,在民事活动中也基本上以登记作为认定所有权的标准。因此,我们应该坚持不动产物权的设立、转移、变更以登记为准的原则,在这个原则下辅以第三人过错原
Editorial comrades: Zhou and my economic dispute case has come into force, suffer from its lack of property, owed me more than 400,000 yuan loan does not automatically fulfill the judgment of Zhou has not been enforced. Recently, I learned that there are more than 300,000 yuan worth of buildings in Zhou that have been sold but no property rights transfer has been completed. Could I apply to court to enforce this building? Chen Chunlei Chen Chunlei: The nature of real right registration, in civil activity is basically the registration as the standard of ownership. Therefore, we should adhere to the principle that the establishment, transfer and change of real property rights should be based on the registration. Under this principle,