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中国近代思想启蒙运动中,众多中国知识分子扮演了思想启蒙者的角色,胡适、陈独秀、鲁迅从不同的纬度来推动中国近代思想启蒙运动的发展,胡适在《新青年》首倡白话文学,陈独秀将文学变革以思想内容为主题,号召广大民众参与政治、推陈出新,鲁迅则用犀利的笔触揭露人民大众的现实生活,通过文学作品深层挖掘人们心灵的思想,唤起中华民族的觉醒,超越了文学和政治变革,是一场思想启蒙的全民运动。 During the Enlightenment of Modern Chinese Thought, many Chinese intellectuals played the role of ideological enlightenment. Hu Shih, Chen Duxiu and Lu Xun promoted the development of modern Chinese thought enlightenment from different latitudes. Hu Shih initiated “vernacular literature” in “New Youth” and Chen Duxiu With the theme of ideological content, literary revolution calls for the general public to participate in politics and bring forth new ideas. Lu Xun exposes the real life of the people with sharp brushwork. Through literary works, he deeply exclaims the thoughts of people’s minds to arouse the awakening of the Chinese nation and transcend literature and politics Change is a popular movement with enlightenment.
我和爸爸妈妈去美丽的西双版纳游玩。这里有一片原始热带雨林,好像书中描写的“世外桃源”。森林里树叶茂密,遮天蔽日。山下是奇花异草,鸟语花香。溪水潺潺,怪石望泉。奇树婀娜,落英纷纷……  妈妈深情地说:“这真是人间仙境啊!”  爸爸说:“好一个天然氧吧啊!真想一辈子住在这里。”  我忍不住问:“这里为什么叫做天然氧吧呢?是因为景色美吗?”  一位叔叔说:“你没看见吗,周围有这么多的花草树木,当然可以称