新编剑桥世界近代史》是 20 世纪西方史学具有代表性的重要著作之一。该书不仅内容丰富, 采取了国别史、地区史、专题史交错论述的方法, 综述了 15 世纪末欧洲文艺复兴至第二次世界大战结束的世界历史, 更重要的是从史学理论与史学研究实践的结合上,阐释了西方史学理论与方法的某些原则,反映了当代史学的发展趋势。但是, 书中表现出的 “西方中心论”的认识偏见, 极大地损害了这部著作的科学性和完整性。
New History of Cambridge World Modern History “is one of the important representative works of western history in the 20th century. The book not only rich in content, adopted the method of staggered discussion of country history, region history and topic history, reviewed the world history from the European Renaissance to the end of the Second World War in the 15th century, and more importantly, from the historical theory and historical studies On the combination of practice, some principles of western historiography theories and methods are expounded, which reflect the development trend of contemporary historiography. However, the prejudice in the book’s ”Western-centered theory" has greatly damaged the scientific and integrality of this book.