研究了俄罗斯饲料菜(Russian Forage)在乌鲁木齐的适应性和生物量的变化规律。通过对俄罗斯饲料菜叶片数、叶长、叶宽生长发育状况的观察,发现俄罗斯饲料菜在乌鲁木齐市生长发育表现不佳,生长受到高温和干热的抑制,同文献记载的生物量相比差距较大,表明其不适宜在乌鲁木齐市或东疆、南疆高温干热的平原地区推广。
The adaptability and biomass variation of Russian Forage in Urumqi were studied. By observing the growth and development of feed leaves, leaf length and leaf width in Russia, it was found that Russian feedstocks showed poor growth and development in Urumqi, and the growth was inhibited by high temperature and dry heat. Compared with the documented biomass Larger, indicating that it is not suitable in Urumqi, or Dongjiang, southern Xinjiang high temperature hot and dry plain promotion.