临床医学是一门实践科学、经验科学,要求临床医师在临床实践中逐渐认识疾病。合格的临床医师不但具有宽厚、扎实的基本理论知识,亦应具有较强的临床技能和思维能力。临床医师应学会并掌握正确、合理的临床思维路线、思维程序和思维方法 ,使自己对疾病的认识由感性认识逐步提高到理性认识,不断地丰富自己的临床经验。临床思维的目的是指导诊断与治疗,是诊治疾病的核心,可帮助临床医师更深刻地认识疾病规律。病例讨论是提高医师临床思维能力的必要环节。
Clinical medicine is a practical science, experience science, require clinicians to gradually understand the disease in clinical practice. Qualified clinicians not only have a generous, solid basic theoretical knowledge, but also should have strong clinical skills and thinking skills. Clinicians should learn and master the correct and reasonable clinical thinking line, thinking process and thinking methods, so that their understanding of the disease gradually increased from perceptual understanding to rational understanding, and constantly enrich their clinical experience. The purpose of clinical thinking is to guide the diagnosis and treatment, is the core of diagnosis and treatment of diseases, can help clinicians a deeper understanding of the disease rules. Case discussion is an essential part of improving the physician’s clinical thinking skills.