1 煤矿企业全面质量管理的主线判断 全面质量管理中的“质量”一般包括产品质量、工程质量、工作质量和服务质量。不同的企业应根据自身的特点,建立质量体系,向着某一主要质量目标,行使质量职能。即企业的质量职能应沿某一主线运行。那么,煤矿企业全面质量管理的主线是什么?笔者认为:煤矿企业的最终产品是商品煤,而商品煤的质量管理应是煤矿全面质量管理的主线。必须指出:这一问题的提出,并不排斥其它“质量”的重要性。但是,所有这些工作依然应该围绕实现“多出煤、出好煤”这一中心任务而开展。2 质量环构想 将商品煤质量管理作为煤矿企业全面质量管理的主线。根据J.M.朱兰博士的质量环模式,煤矿企业质量环的基本模式便跃然纸上,见图1。
A coal mine enterprise total quality management of the main line to judge Total quality management in the “quality” generally includes product quality, project quality, quality of work and service quality. Different enterprises should establish a quality system according to their own characteristics, and exercise their quality functions towards certain major quality objectives. That is, the quality function of an enterprise should run along one main line. So, the main line of total quality management of coal mines is what? The author believes that: the final product of coal mines is commercial coal, and quality control of commercial coal mines should be the main line of total quality management. It must be pointed out that the formulation of this issue does not exclude the importance of other “quality”. However, all these efforts should still be carried out around the central task of “extra coal, good coal”. 2 Quality Circle Concept Commercial coal quality management as the main line of total quality management of coal mines. According to J.M. Juran’s quality ring model, the basic pattern of quality ring in coal mines will be vividly illustrated in Figure 1.