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天津市津南区司法局作为管理司法行政工作的职能部门,现有行政编制人员54人,事业编制人员10人。司法局内设办公室、政治处、宣教科、基层科、社矫科、公律科、政研室,共7个职能机构,直属单位为津南区法律援助中心,在各镇设有8个基层司法所为派出机构,天津市海河公证处为下属事业单位。近年来,津南区司法局在区委、区政府的正确领导下,局党组带领全局干警以“三个代表”重要思想和科学发展观为指针,勇于创新,真抓实干,认真组织开展了争创“文明单位”活动,努力创建“学习型单位”、“服 As a functional department for administration of judicial administration, Jinnan District Justice Bureau of Tianjin Municipality has 54 administrative staffs and 10 staffing staff. The Bureau of Justice has offices, political offices, propaganda departments, grassroots units, social subjects, public affairs departments, and political departments. There are 7 functional agencies directly under the jurisdiction. The subordinate units are the Jinnan Legal Aid Center and eight grassroots units Judicial Institute for the agency, Tianjin Haihe Notary Office as a subordinate institutions. In recent years, under the correct leadership of the district party committee and the district government, the Bureau of Justice Bureau of Jinnan District has led bureaux and departments to lead the overall situation of the police officers with the guidance of the important thinking of the ’Three Represents’ and the scientific concept of development as their guideline, bravely innovating, earnestly practicing and earnestly organizing Strive to create ”civilized unit “ activities, and strive to create ”learning unit “, ”service