8月15日,方正科技电脑系统公司常务副总周险峰在接受记者采访时绝口不提方正科技那一场惊心动魄的股权斗争,满口都是奔Ⅳ和MP3。但我们却不能忘记那场经典的“资本斗争”——因为,在这场曾眼花缭乱的博弈中掩藏着彩电巨头长虹曾要在PC 上寻求“家电突围口”的惊人秘密。2000年年底,长虹系列的两家公司——江苏长虹和虹兴仓储开始增持方正科技的股票。而且,极其小心翼翼地维持在方正集团掌握份额的附近。据知情人说:此时接替“彩电大王”倪润峰的少帅赵勇希望长虹能够涉足PC。方正科技的前总裁祝剑秋也认识到:“长虹的家电业务实际上已经走到了尽头,一直希望找一个合适的契机实现转型。所以,长虹就想在PC 领
On August 15, Zhou Yongfeng, executive vice president of Founder Technology Computer Systems, said in an interview that he did not mention Fang Zheng Technology’s thrilling equity struggle, which was full of Ben IV and MP3. However, we cannot forget the classic “capital struggle” - because in this dazzling game hides the TV giant Changhong had to seek the “home appliance breakthrough” in the PC’s amazing secret. At the end of 2000, Changhong’s two companies, Jiangsu Changhong and Hongxing Storage, began to increase their shareholding in Founder Technology. Moreover, it is extremely cautiously maintained near the share of the Founder Group. According to insiders, at this time, Zhao Shuai, who replaced “Color TV king” Ni Runfeng, hopes that Changhong can get involved in the PC. Former Founder of Founder Technology Zhu Jianqiu also realized: “Changhong’s home appliance business has actually come to an end and has always wanted to find a suitable opportunity to achieve transformation. Therefore, Changhong wanted to be in the PC collar.