
来源 :中国激光医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangbaichi001
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皮肤激光美容与治疗已广泛用于临床,随着技术的不断进步,各种激光设备琳琅满目。根据不同设备的用户手册建议的适应症和禁忌症,严格按照操作要求执行,可以有效避免术后可能发生的不良反应,尽管如此,临床仍然会出现各种意想不到的不良反应,如水疱、溃疡、瘢痕等。激光术后不良反应包括:(1)术后必然出现的反应,这类反应是判断治 Skin laser beauty and treatment has been widely used in clinical, with the continuous improvement of technology, a variety of laser equipment dazzling. Indications and contraindications based on user’s manuals for different devices are strictly followed in accordance with the requirements of the operation and may be effective in avoiding possible postoperative adverse reactions. However, unexpected clinical adverse reactions such as blisters and ulcers , Scars and so on. Post-laser adverse reactions include: (1) the inevitable reaction after surgery, this type of response is to judge the rule
夏天悄悄地到来,北方的人们一般都会欢呼雀跃:终于可以摆脱不时来袭的风沙和冷空气,换上漂亮的裙子和短裤了。可南方很多地方的人们却开始发愁:可能会有半个多月看不到太阳,甚至是阴雨绵绵,连衣服也都是湿乎乎的,干不透。  什么是梅雨?  南方的小伙伴们在每年6—7月碰到的这种天气叫作霉雨,因为它出现在江南梅子成熟的季节,所以又叫梅雨或者黄梅雨。梅雨通常出现在我国长江中下游地区、日本中南部和韩国南部等地。南