This paper analyzes the logic of TPP rules innovation from the perspective of the US geostrategy and analyzes the impact of TPP on the economy, employment and industry of member countries. It also points out that the TPP will Exacerbate the trend of decoupling the U.S.-China economy. From the specific rules and terms of the TPP, there are major conflicts between the three major areas of state-owned enterprises, intellectual property protection and dispute settlement mechanisms with the current institutional mechanisms in China. However, TPP will have a limited impact on China’s domestic reform and economic development in the short to medium term, but it will have a greater impact on the relations between China and the United States and China’s economic diplomacy. There are also many places where the TPP’s rules and innovations can be used to build the “One Belt, One Road” Reference for reference. Finally, this paper puts forward some policy suggestions on how to deal with the challenge of TPP in China.