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职场相处是一件复杂的事情,而很重要的一步是要学会“难得糊涂”。你懂得装傻,在工作中学会隐藏自己的视力,不炫耀,也不乱反驳,让你在职场中赢得好人缘。真正聪明的职场高手,是大智若愚。1.锋芒不可太露在职场中,你不露锋芒,可能永远得不到重任,而锋芒太露易遭嫉恨。所以才华显露要适可而止,既有效地保护自我,又能充分发挥自己的才华。在职场中最重要的技巧就是适时“装傻”:不露自己的高明,更不能随便纠正对方的错误。职场中“小人”有的是,正所谓明枪易挡,暗箭难防。 Workplace get along is a complex thing, and a very important step is to learn “rare confused ”. You know how to play foolish, learn to hide your eyesight at work, do not show off, do not bother to refute, let you win good popularity in the workplace. Really clever workplace master, is wisdom. 1. Edge can not be too exposed in the workplace, you do not reveal the edge, you may never get the task, and the edge is exposed easily jealous. Therefore, the talent revealed to be more than adequate, both to effectively protect themselves, but also give full play to their talents. The most important skill in the workplace is timely “foolish ”: do not reveal their own smart, but can not correct each other’s mistakes. In the workplace “villain ” Some are, the so-called Ming guns easily blocked, stabbed behind.
“孩子们正处在成长期,作为4个子女的父亲,我必须和他们呆在一起。”  “加州正处于破产边缘,作为加州民选州长,我必须担负起债务危机终结者的使命。”  从2011年1月起,阿诺德·施瓦辛格将不必每天在洛杉矶布伦特伍德的家和州府萨克拉门托州长办公室之间400公里的路上来回奔波了。11月2日,加利福尼亚州选举产生了新州长,意味着施瓦辛格政治生涯行将结束。  作为人生前半程成功人士的标签,他有很多与众不同