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IgA肾病是全世界最常见的原发性肾小球肾炎,在亚洲通常占原发性肾小球疾病的30%~35%~[1-2]。肾组织病理是IgA肾病确诊的必备手段,其特征是IgA在系膜区沉积,伴或不伴毛细血管袢沉积。IgA肾病病理表现多样,以往有Hass分级、Lee氏分级、WHO分级,病变重点关注于肾小球系膜细胞增生和新月体,缺乏广为临床和病理医师接受的标准。2009年,根据分型标准需要具有良好重复性和判 IgA nephropathy is the most common primary glomerulonephritis in the world and generally accounts for 30% -35% of primary glomerular diseases in Asia. [1-2] Renal histopathology is an essential tool for the diagnosis of IgA nephropathy and is characterized by deposition of IgA in the mesangial area, with or without capillaries. Pathological manifestations of IgA nephropathy varied. In the past, there were Hass grading, Lee’s grading, and WHO grading. The focus of the disease was on glomerular mesangial cell proliferation and crescentism, lacking the criteria widely accepted by clinicians and pathologists. In 2009, according to the classification criteria need to have good repeatability and sentence