Intravenous drip rituximab in 2 patients caused an allergic reaction. Example 1 A 61-year-old woman with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma who was admitted for chemotherapy. On the day of admission rituximab 600mg, 1 / d intravenous infusion. 2h after the patient had pharyngeal discomfort, accompanied by shortness of breath, chills, fever, chills, T37.8 ℃. Rituximab was discontinued, and intravenous dexamethasone was given. Symptoms were relieved after 2 hours. Rituximab given intravenously again, about half an hour after patients with dysphagia, shortness of breath, sweating, BP80 / 52mmHg. Rituximab again disabled, and given anti-allergy treatment, 4h after symptoms improved. Example 2 for 52-year-old female patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia due to progression of fludarabine + rituximab combined with chemotherapy. Given rituximab 600mg, 1 / d intravenous infusion. About half an hour later, the patient developed chest tightness, shortness of breath, tightness of the throat, cyanotic lips, accompanied by chills, chills and wheezing in the lungs. Rituximab discontinued, given oxygen and anti-allergy treatment, 2h after the symptoms were relieved. The next day to cyclophosphamide + fludarabine combined chemotherapy, no recurrence of the above symptoms.