A model of regional economic development with increasing returns

来源 :Journal of Zhejiang University Science A(Science in Engineer | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zx2353
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This paper develops mathematically and empirically tractable regional and interregional model of economic devel-opment with increasing returns to scale (IRS) under the neoclassical assumptions. A one-sector, two-region model in which one region exhibits IRS is presented and the whole nation presents constant returns to scale. The development of the local IRS economy is shown to be constrained to a “moving equilibrium” path. The preliminary empirical results are sufficiently supportive of the argument to encourage further research along the lines of the model. In particular, the neoclassical model does not predict negative coefficients on the real rental value of capital in regressions explaining population or employment relative to that in the nation. This paper develops mathematically and empirically tractable regional and interregional model of economic devel- opment with increasing returns to scale (IRS) under the neoclassical assumptions. A one-sector, two-region model in which one region shows IRS is presented and the whole nation presents constant returns to scale. The development of the local IRS economy is shown to be constrained to a “moving equilibrium” path. The preliminary empirical results are are supportive of the argument to encourage further research along the lines of the model. the neoclassical model does not predict negative coefficients on the real rental value of capital in regressions explaining population or employment relative to that in the nation.
珮嘉:  你好!  来信说,看到外国人教养孩子的方法和中国父母太不一样了。就拿孩子摔跟头来说吧,在国外,很少看到人家三步并作两步赶过去帮着掸土的;可同样的情况,被我们这些中国父母遇上,孩子摔了跟头,自己的心比孩子的肉不知要疼多少倍。看了你的信,我很有共鸣,可这两日我又在想,如果教育中全部都是理智为王,好像生活的颜色又略显单调。对于孩子偶尔的小放纵,只要不形成常态,似乎也无需过于大惊小怪。  记得上
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我们家是两代人守护一个孩子,来自爸爸、妈妈、姥姥、姥爷等不同方式的疼爱,营造了宝贝逸凡成长的主要环境。在这个环境里,宽与严的相互交织构成了教育逸凡的“主旋律”。我就从最常见的三个方面晒晒逸凡成长中那些宽严相宜的爱吧。  一是吃。每当幼儿园放学时,校门两边长长的街道上那些卖棉花糖、烤串儿、各色饮料的小摊贩们,早就占好了各自的位置,争相叫卖着。多少次,逸凡在姥姥的电瓶车上哭叫着要买,姥姥坚决不买,并告