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仿佛是一场马拉松,一言难尽的中美纺织品谈判,从春天的第1轮谈到了秋天的第6轮,问题没见越谈越少,气氛反倒一回比一回紧张。就是马拉松也有到尽头的时候,可中美纺织品谈判到今天,仍看不到尽头,第7轮谈判会在何时进行?会出现一个大家企望的“双赢”结果吗?这真是一场考验意志和决心的竞赛。9月16日,中国商务部宣布,中美纺织品贸易问题第5轮磋商将于26和27日在美国举行。国内无数企业立即伸直了脖子等着听消息。大家觉得这一次说什么也会有一个结果了,事不过三嘛。结果呢?在磋商持续胶着了3天后,大家等到的是“没结果”。10月12日,第6轮中美纺织品磋商移师北京进行。又是无数企业伸直脖子等待消息。此刻的等待比以往有了焦虑,广交会开会在即,纺织服装是广交会的重头戏之一,很多企业就要靠春秋两季的广交会拿订单。谈判结果不明朗,明年与美国的纺织品贸易就会有很多不确定因素直接影响国内企业的生产和 As if it were a marathon, the long-awaited Sino-American textile negotiations started with the first round of spring and the autumn of the sixth round. The problems were less talked and less talked about, and the atmosphere was tighter than ever. Is the marathon has also come to an end when the Sino-US textile negotiations can not see the end, the seventh round of negotiations will be carried out when there will be a hope everyone “win-win” result? This is really a test of will And determination of competition. On September 16, the Chinese Ministry of Commerce announced that the fifth round of negotiations on the textile trade between China and the United States will be held in the United States on the 26th and 27th. Countless domestic enterprises immediately straightened his neck waiting to hear the news. Everyone feels that this time there will be a result of what to say, but three thing thing. As a result? After three days of deliberations, everyone waited for “no result.” On October 12, the sixth round of Sino-US textile negotiations moved to Beijing. Countless companies are waiting for the news straight neck. Waiting for the moment than in the past with anxiety, the Canton Fair will be held soon, the textile and garment is one of the highlights of the Canton Fair, many companies rely on the Spring and Autumn Canton Fair to take orders. The outcome of the negotiations is not clear. There will be many uncertainties in the textile trade with the United States next year that will directly affect the production of domestic enterprises and