已知许多菊科艾属植物有松驰平滑肌、降压、平喘等药理作用。作者曾研究发现兰艾(Artemisia caerulescens Subsp gallica)的丁醇提取物能降低清醒和麻醉大鼠的呼吸深度和频率。本文进一步研究该提取液对豚鼠支气管痉挛的影响。将该植物以石油醚提取后,残渣用甲醇提取,浓缩后溶于水,相继用冷氯仿和丁醇提取。丁醇提取物(对干燥物的收率为8.3%)经药理试验表明:它具有支气管扩张作用,能对抗组织胺和乙酰胆碱引起的支气管痉挛,其作用与异丙去甲肾上腺素相似。体外试验(离体豚鼠气管)也证实其支气管扩张作用。如果事先以非选择性的β-肾
It is known that many Asteraceae plants have the pharmacological effects of relaxing smooth muscle, blood pressure, and asthma. The authors have found that butanol extracts of Artemisia caerulescens Subsp gallica can reduce the depth and frequency of breathing in conscious and anesthetized rats. This article further studied the effect of this extract on guinea pig bronchial spasm. After the plant was extracted with petroleum ether, the residue was extracted with methanol, concentrated and dissolved in water, followed by extraction with cold chloroform and butanol. The butanol extract (8.3% yield on dried product) was tested by pharmacological tests and showed that it has bronchodilatory action and can fight bronchospasm caused by histamine and acetylcholine, and its effect is similar to that of isoproterenol. In vitro tests (in vitro guinea pig trachea) also confirmed its bronchodilatory effects. If pre-selective β-kidney