早期驻外使节是近代中国较早走向世界的一批官僚士大夫。他们对近代西方资产阶级民主政体进行了实地考察 ,并普遍地表示出赞美之情 ,提出了开设议院的政治主张。在当时的历史条件下 ,使节关于西方政体的识见是比较高的 ,对国内官僚士大夫阶层有独特的影响力 ,具有更直接的启蒙意义。使节的思想中已涌动着突破洋务藩篱、向维新思潮转化的潜流 ,这不仅是时代大趋势使然 ,更得益于使节独特的身份和出使经历
The early ambassadors were a group of bureaucrats who came to the world earlier in modern China. They conducted field visits to modern Western bourgeois democracies and generally expressed their praise for the political proposition that opened the House. Under the historical conditions at that time, the envoys’ knowledge of the Western political system was relatively high and had a unique influence on the ranks of officials and doctors in the country, which had a more direct enlightenment significance. The envoys’ surrogacy has surged the undercurrents that break through the barriers of Westernization and transformed them into a new trend of thought. This is not only the result of the general trend of the times, but also the unique identity of the envoys and the experience of leaving the country