2004年9月15日(第0天)给45只成年雌性东北梅花鹿阴道放置"阴道内孕酮释放装置"(CIDR),到第12天取出CIDR,同时肌肉注射孕马血清促性腺激素(PMSG),21只母鹿注射200 IU(1组),24只母鹿注射150 IU(2组)。CIDR取出后24~72 h,用带试情布的成年公鹿对处理母鹿进行持续试情。结果第1组和第2组同期发情率分别为86%(18/21)和92%(22/24)(P〉0.05),取出CIDR至发情的平均时间分别为(47.54±9.33)h和(49.74±6.69)h(P〉0.05)。第2组1只母鹿表现出孕期发情现象。对发情母鹿进行腹腔镜人工输精,输精时间为取出CIDR后的48~78 h。输精后第5天到11月15日,每天早晨、中午和傍晚进行试情,检查人工输精母鹿返情情况,结果第1组和第2组人工输精母鹿未返情率分别为89%(16/18)和76%(16/21)。两组母鹿产仔率分别为50%(9/18)和38%(8/21)(P〉0.05)。这对同期发情梅花鹿的定时输精特别有意义。“,”Single CIDR devices forty five healthy parous sika does in each of was intra-vaginally placed for 12 days and then randomly allocated to receive 200(n=21) IU or 150(n=24) IU PMSG injection,respectively,at the time of CIDR device withdrawal.Estrus of the females was detected every two hours by the adult sika stag fitted with a mating mark harness and apron after CIDR removal.Laparoscopic AI of the estrus does were performed with frozen-thawed spermatozoa on 2 h after identified estrus.These does were detected with the sires every morning and dusk until November 15.Estrus synchronization rates,rates of the non-returning to service and the fawning rates of the does were investigated and analyzed.It is found that estrus synchronization rates are similar in sika does treated with either 150 IU or 200 IU PMSG at CIDR device withdrawal(86% and 92%);the time from removal of CIDR to onset of estrus is 47.5-49.7 h;the rates of non-returning to service are high in sika does either 150 IU or 200 IU PMSG group(88.9% and 76.2%),but the fawning rate is low(50.0% and 38.1%).We analyzed the effects of AI at different times after CIDR removal on the fawning rate,and an acceptable fawning rate(69.2%) was obtained by AI at 6070 h after CIDR removal,that is very meaningful to determine the opportunity of timed AI for sika deer.