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金丝小枣浆烂果病严重危害我国北方枣树 ,并且逐年加重。本研究通过室内分离培养与田间调查 ,经多年多地试验 ,查明此病的症状、危害及病原菌。结果显示 :金丝小枣浆烂果病在河北、山东、天津的产区普遍发生 ,以河北泊头市发病最重。该病在枣果进入白熟期 ( 8月 2 0日左右 )开始发病 ,形成侵染点明显的红色近圆形软腐病斑。 1998— 2 0 0 0年 3年平均发病率和病情指数分别为 36 7%和 2 6 9。依据柯赫氏法则对金丝小枣浆烂果病病原菌进行了研究 ,根据病原菌形态特征 ,病原菌有性阶段鉴定为囊孢壳菌 (Physalosporaobtuse(Schw .) ) ,无性世代鉴定为梭壳孢菌 (Fusicoccumsp .)。经黑光灯诱导后 ,囊孢壳菌在室内PDA培养基上可形成子座与分生孢子器 ,有性世代的子囊壳与子囊孢子只发现于越冬后的病枣果中。 Ziziphus jujuba rot rot seriously endanger the jujube in northern China, and increasing year by year. In this study, indoor isolation and field investigation, after many years of testing to identify the symptoms, hazards and pathogenic bacteria. The results showed that the jujube pulp rotten fruit disease occurred in the producing areas of Hebei, Shandong and Tianjin, with the heaviest incidence in Botou, Hebei Province. The disease in the jujube into the white maturity (around August 20) onset, the formation of the obvious infiltration point of the red near-round soft rot disease spots. The average incidence and disease index for the three years from 1998 to 2000 were 36.7% and 269 respectively. According to Koch ’s rule, the pathogen of rotten fruit of jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.) Jujube was studied. Physiospora obtus (Schw.) Was identified according to the morphological characteristics of pathogens and sexual stage of pathogen. (Fusicoccumsp.). After induced by black light, Cystosporium forms PDA and conidia on indoor PDA medium. The sexual generation of the ascosphere and ascospore only found in the overwintering disease jujube.
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Reduced early crop growth and limited branching are amongst yield limiting factors of linola. Field response of seed priming treatments viz. 50 mmol L-1 salicyl
目的观察高压氧联合复方黄柏液对肛周脓肿术后创面愈合的临床疗效。方法将158例患者依据知情同意的原则按治疗方法分为观察组和对照组,2组均接受常规手术治疗和术后换药治疗,观察组常规外科换药后加用复方黄柏液直接喷敷联合高压氧治疗,对2组患者进行临床观察,比较2组的创面愈合时间、肉芽生长情况、疼痛及水肿程度和创面渗出情况。结果治疗组创面愈合时间[(24.91±5.17) d]与对照组[(31.23±6.0
Low light stress is one of the most important factors affecting photosynthesis and growth in winter production of cucumber(Cucumis sativus L.) in solar greenhou