在陕西渭北黄土高原沟壑区,通过田间试验研究冬小麦不同栽培模式对旱地土壤水分和水分生产效率的影响.试验设栽培模式、施氮和密度等3种因子,栽培模式设露地栽培 常规 、秸秆覆盖 覆草 、地膜覆盖 平膜 、垄上覆膜沟中覆草垄沟种植 垄沟 4种方式;施氮设不施氮、施120kg/hm2N和240kg/hm2N三个水平;密度设播量180kg/hm2和225kg/hm22个水平.试验结果表明,不同栽培模式下土壤水分在不同生育期的变化趋势基本一致;平覆膜与垄沟种植均有良好的保墒和集水作用,平覆膜水分的生产效率比常规模式增加41.3%~52.4%;垄沟种植比常规模式增加38.8%~64.6%.覆草具有一定的保墒作用,在小麦生长前期及40cm以上的土层中效果明显,其水分生产效率高于常规种植的24.1%.氮肥对土壤贮水量具有极显著影响,但不同密度对土壤贮水量基本上无影响.
A field experiment was conducted to study the effects of different cultivation patterns of winter wheat on soil moisture and water production efficiency in dryland in a field experiment in Loess Plateau of Shaanxi Province. Three cultivation methods were set up, including planting mode, nitrogen application and planting density. Covered with grass, mulching film covered flat mulching mulching ditch furrows planted in four ways; nitrogen set without nitrogen, applied 120kg / hm2N and 240kg / hm2N three levels; planting density of 180kg / hm2 And 225kg / hm22.The results showed that the trend of soil moisture at different growth stages was basically the same under different cultivation modes; the effect of soil moisture and water catchment on both flat film and furrow irrigation were good, and the production efficiency Which increased by 41.3% -52.4% compared with the conventional model. The furrow planting increased by 38.8% -64.6% compared with the conventional model. The mulching had a certain effect of preserving soil moisture, and the effect was obvious in the early stage of wheat growth and in the soil above 40cm. The water production efficiency was higher The conventional planting of 24.1% .Nitrogen on soil water storage has a very significant impact, but different density of the soil water storage capacity basically no effect.