Compaq公司一直指责Packard Bell以旧充新销售PC机,但近日Packard Bell又反戈一击。戏剧性地将Compaq推向了被告席。在Packard Bell提供的15页反诉讼书中,“细数”了Compaq如何授权其销售商将返回的、重包装的旧PC当作新PC重新销售出去。“Compaq以
Compaq has accused Packard Bell of selling new PCs with old ones, but Packard Bell has again hit back. Dramatically pushed Compaq to the dock. In a 15-page counter-claim filed by Packard Bell, ”digests“ how Compaq authorized its distributors to resell returned, repackaged old PCs as new PCs. ”Compaq with