常说的棉花死苗断垄,这不仅指死苗,而且还包涵烂种和烂芽。烂种与烂芽发生在出苗以前,死苗与僵苗发生在出苗以后。 死苗 [症状与原因]死苗是指出苗至现蕾期间棉苗死亡现象。死苗的类型很多,其原因各异,但较常见的生理性死苗类型有:①种质劣死苗:种子未成熟或贮藏不善,使种子生
Often said that the cotton seedlings cut off ridge, which not only refers to dead seedlings, but also rotten and rotten buds. Rotten and rotten buds occur before emergence, dead seedlings and stiff seedlings occur after emergence. Dead seedlings [Symptoms and causes] Dead seedlings is the phenomenon of cotton seedling death to budding to budding. Many types of dead seedlings for different reasons, but the more common types of dead seedlings are: ① Germplasm poor seedlings: immature seeds or poor storage, so that seeds