1995年4月12日 四川宁南县人民法院审判庭内 当审判长宣读判决书依法判处诈骗犯、原梁子乡武装部长唐柳且有期徒刑4年,审判人员将判决书送他签字时,他耷拉下脑袋,一纸判决书仿佛象块炽热的木炭,抓在他手中,燃烧着他的心。 1 现年37岁的唐柳且,1980年从部队复员回到家乡,1988年担任课格乡武装部部长,1993年调任梁子乡任武裝部长。
On April 12, 1995, when the presiding judge read the verdict in the trial court of the People’s Court of Nanning County, Sichuan, he sentenced the fraudster according to law. Tangliu, former armed Minister of Liangzi Township, was sentenced to 4 years imprisonment. When the judge handed him the judgment, he dragged Head, a paper verdict as if piece of hot charcoal, caught in his hand, burning his heart. 1 Tang, aged 37, was demobilized in 1980 for return to his hometown. In 1988, he assumed the position of Minister of Armed Forces of the Gege Township. In 1993, he was appointed as Armed Forces Minister of Liangzi Township.