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环保财政支出是生态文明建设的重要保障。本文基于中国大陆31个省份2003-2013年的面板数据,实证检验了中国地方政府环保财政支出的政策效应,并测算了环保财政支出引致社会环保投资的“引致乘数”。研究表明:第一,我国地方政府的环保财政支出政策对环境治理的直接效应和间接效应均有显著影响,并且政府环境偏好会显著影响效应的强弱,当政府对环境质量的偏好较高时,环保财政支出每增加1%,可引致废水排放量降低1.3%。第二,环保财政支出对社会资本投入环保项目具有引致效应,引致乘数约为1.2——财政支出每增加1%,社会投资增加1.2%。第三,政府对环境质量的偏好越强,越能加强环保财政支出对社会资本的引致效应。本文的政策含义是进一步加大环保财政支出力度,强化地方政府环境保护观念,加强环境规制力度,调动社会资本投入环保领域的积极性,发挥财政资金的杠杆撬动作用。 Expenditure on environmental protection is an important guarantee for the construction of ecological civilization. Based on the panel data from 2003 to 2013 in 31 provinces of mainland China, this paper empirically tests the policy effects of local governments’ fiscal expenditure on environmental protection in China and estimates the “induced multiplier” of environmental protection expenditure caused by environmental fiscal expenditure. The research shows that: First, the fiscal expenditure policies of local governments in our country have a significant impact on the direct and indirect effects of environmental governance, and the government environmental preferences will significantly affect the strength of the effects. When the government preference for environmental quality is high For every 1% increase in environmental fiscal expenditure, it will lead to a 1.3% reduction in wastewater discharge. Second, environmental fiscal expenditures have an effect on social capital investment in environmental protection projects, resulting in a multiplier of about 1.2 - a 1% increase in financial expenditure and an increase of 1.2% in social investment. Third, the stronger the preference of the government for environmental quality, the more the effect of environmental fiscal expenditure on social capital can be strengthened. The policy implication of this article is to further increase the expenditure on environmental protection, strengthen the concept of environmental protection by local governments, strengthen the environmental regulation, mobilize the enthusiasm of social capital into the field of environmental protection, and leverage the leverage of fiscal funds.
目的:1)对BDNF及其受体TrkB在二倍体热带爪蛙(Xenopus tropicalis)早期胚胎发育、变态发育和成体中的表达进行研究;2)建立成体二倍体热带爪蛙心脏损伤与修复模型;3)对BDNF及
在电视剧《冲上云霄2》中,张智霖扮演的Captain Cool因潇洒不羁的个性和一流的驾驶技术捕获了无数粉丝的芳心,成为“最帅荧幕机长”。在现实生活中,机长是怎样“锻造”出来的?是
<正> 我生在一个三世为医的家庭里,曾祖、祖父、伯父都是中医,在当地均有盛名。我十六岁高小毕业后,因无力上攻,不得不图谋前途找条生路。在亲族的影响下,立志学医。此时,前