1990~ 1999年对尕海卤虫的温度特性研究表明 ,无节幼虫的耐寒力比幼虫期高 - 1 7℃ ,比成虫期高- 0 9℃ ,即无节幼虫的耐寒力最强 ,幼虫对低温最敏感 ;孵化发育起始温度 9 94℃ ,幼虫发育起始温度10 33℃ ,有效积温 (℃·d)前者为 2 2 91± 2 0 8,后者为 2 6 1 2 6± 2 4 1,平均世代发育起点温度 10 2 8℃ ,有效积温 45 8 6 8± 5 7 6 0 ;依据生命表计算得出的各项生态学参数与温度存在显著的函数关系 ,其适温范围基本介于 10℃~ 39℃ ,最适温度介于 2 4 9℃~ 30 5℃ ,种群增长倍数 >2的温度范围在 15℃~ 34℃ ;依据 1993~ 1994和 1997年尕海水域温度测定资料 ,结合上述实验结果 ,得出该卤虫的年世代数为 2 6 7± 0 34个代 ,一年中有4 6 9± 0 43个生殖高峰期 ;最后一个完整世代的起始时间是 8月 10日 ;因积温不足 ,在 9月 1日以后出现的无节幼虫将不能完成到成虫期的发育 ;在 7月中旬至 9月中旬是种群生产力高峰期 ,在此期间种群的加倍时间 <30d ,内禀增长率 >0 0 2d-1,开发潜力最大。
The temperature characteristics of Artemia nauplii from 1990 to 1999 showed that the cold hardiness of nauplii was higher than that of larva - 17 ℃, higher than that of adult - 0 9 ℃, Which was the most sensitive to low temperature. The starting temperature of hatching development was 994 ℃, the initial temperature of larval development was 10 33 ℃, the effective accumulated temperature (℃ · d) was 2 2191 ± 208, while the latter was 2 6 1 2 6 ± 2 4 1, the average generation starting point temperature 10 2 8 ℃, the effective accumulated temperature 45 8 6 8 ± 5 7 6 0; According to the life table calculation of the various ecological parameters and temperature there is a significant functional relationship, the basic temperature range The temperature range from 10 ℃ to 39 ℃, the optimum temperature ranged from 299 ℃ to 30 5 ℃, and the population growth multiple> 2 ranged from 15 ℃ to 34 ℃. Based on the data of temperature in Gahai waters from 1993 to 1994 and 1997 According to the above experimental results, the annual generation number of Artemia was 26.7 ± 0.34 generations, with a peak of 469 ± 43 days in one year. The starting time of the last complete generation was 8 On the 10th; due to lack of accumulated temperature, the nauplii appearing after September 1 will not be able to complete the development to the adult stage; in mid-July By mid-September was the peak productivity of the population, during which the population doubling time <30d, intrinsic rate of increase> 0 0 2d-1, the greatest potential for development.