Repetitive exhibitions and promotions, a wide range of procurement guidelines and advertising, get rid of your dazzling heart Jing shake. In this information highway era, everyone is talking about INTERNET, even the business card has been added to the e-mail address. To follow the trend, to catch up with the times, of course, first equipped with computer friends. Perhaps you have long been contemplating the convenience of buying a computer to enjoy the information age, have also prepared this budget, would like to take advantage of promotions when the sale of computers to buy their own computer, catch the express train of the new century. But do not worry, many people this happy dream, often in the real purchase suddenly ruined, because the computer this stuff is really a bottomless pit. Do not let the word “sale” a kind of fainted. In general, if you spend 8,000 yuan to buy a brand new personal computer, the next is very