在最近的IMO海环会(MEPC)第51次会议上,MEPC原则批准指定3个新特别敏感海域(PSSAs),即俄罗斯水域除外的波罗的海海域,(The Baltic Sea area,except Russian waters)、加拉帕哥斯群岛——厄瓜多尔(The GalapagosArchipelago-Ecuador)和加那利群岛水域——西班牙(Thewaters of the Canary Isles archipelago-Spain)o该新PSSAs
At the recent MEPC 51st Meeting, the MEPC approved in principle the designation of three new PSSAs, the Baltic Sea area except except Russian waters, The Galapagos Archipelago-Ecuador and Thewaters of the Canary Isles archipelago-Spain o The new PSSAs