装载机在路况较差条件下行驶和作业时,对座椅的可靠性、舒适性要求比较高。为避免因座椅太高而使其强度变差,座椅厂商提供的座椅高度一般为260~300 mm。而人体工程学认为,座椅高度以400~490 mm为宜,为此需在座椅下面安装1个高度合适的底座。该底座可与暖风机和空调匹配使用。
Loaders under poor traffic conditions and operations, the seat reliability, comfort requirements are relatively high. To avoid deterioration of the seat due to high strength, the seat height provided by the seat manufacturer is generally 260-300 mm. The ergonomics that the seat height to 400 ~ 490 mm is appropriate, this need to be installed under the seat a suitable height base. The base can be used with heaters and air conditioners.