在科学发展过程中,对于同一问题存在不同的看法,这是正常的现象。通过不同观点的讨论,使一些问题更加清楚和明朗化,真理就更趋于完善。相对遗传力理论提出(作者1964 a、b;1976)后,得到我国学术界广泛的注意:有赞同和支持的,有从实践上和理论上给以验证和检验的,也有不同意或反对的(例如惠毓坤,1977;景士西,1980;谭其猛,1982)。本文现将一些不同意见,从几个方面给以说明和解释。
In the process of scientific development, there are different views on the same issue, which is a normal phenomenon. Through discussion of different points of view, some issues become clearer and clearer, and the truth tends to be more perfect. After the theory of relative heritability (1964 a, b; 1976), I get a wide range of academic attention in our country: there is agreement and support, both from the practical and theoretical to verify and test, but also do not agree or disagree (Eg Hui Yukun, 1977; Kingston, 1980; Tan Qimeng, 1982). This article will now some different opinions, from several aspects to explain and explain.