目的研究北京市儿童发育迟缓筛查阳性情况及阳性儿童管理情况。方法 1.筛查方法:采用丹佛发育筛查法(Denver developmental screening test,DDST)作为0岁组社区儿童神经心理发育迟缓筛查方法,采用预警征方法作为1岁组、2岁组筛查方法。2.评估方法:对转诊的阳性婴幼儿采用Gesell发育诊断法进行发育评估。3.筛查管理:进行筛查技术质控管理和阳性儿童随访管理。4.统计方法:使用SPSS17.0进行统计学分析。结果 1.北京市发育迟缓筛查阳性率:0岁组为1.74~2.27%;1岁组为0.49%,2岁组为0.27%。2.北京市发育迟缓筛查阳性儿童转诊率0岁组19.39%,1岁组44.53%,2岁组52.17%。转诊率随年龄组的增加而升高。3.2013年0-3岁转诊的阳性儿童评估结果:全面发育迟缓率0岁组66.15%,1岁组65.31%,2岁组75.81%。发育迟缓率(不包括边缘)0岁组87.18%,1岁组85.71%,2岁组85.48%;发育迟缓率(包括边缘)0岁组96.41%,1岁组97.96%,2岁组98.39%。结论发育迟缓筛查工作需要加强质量控制,提高筛查阳性率,提高转诊率及加强评估、随访管理。
Objective To study the positive status of children’s stunting in Beijing and the management of positive children. Method 1. Screening method: Denver developmental screening test (DDST) was used as a screening method for neuropsychological delay in community children in the 0-year-old group. The method of early warning was used as a screening method of 1 year old group and 2 years old group . 2. Evaluation methods: The gestational positive infants were assessed by Gesell’s developmental diagnosis. 3. Screening Management: Screening technology quality control and positive child follow-up management. 4. Statistical Methods: Using SPSS17.0 for statistical analysis. Results 1. The positive rate of stunting in Beijing was 1.74-2.27% in 0-year-old group, 0.49% in 1-year-old group and 0.27% in 2-year-old group. The positive rate of retarded children screening in Beijing was 19.39% in 0-year-old group, 44.53% in 1-year-old group and 52.17% in 2-year-old group. The referral rate increased with age group. The results of positive children who were referred from 0 to 3 in 2013 showed that the rate of overall stunting was 66.15% in 0-year-old group, 65.31% in 1-year old group and 75.81% in 2-year old group. The rate of developmental delay (excluding the margin) was 87.18% in the 0-year-old group, 85.71% in the 1-year-old group and 85.48% in the 2-year-old group. The rate of developmental delay (including the edge) was 96.41% . Conclusion The developmental delay screening should strengthen the quality control, increase the screening positive rate, improve the referral rate, and strengthen the assessment and follow-up management.