风沙土广泛分布于我国北方干旱、半干旱的沙漠地区 ,是一种特殊性质的地基土 ,其工程地质勘察重点、方法及沙漠地区道路选线的原则与其他地区不同。本文从实际调查和试验分析出发 ,提出了沙漠地区工程地质勘察重点主要为沙漠地貌、风沙环境、植被状况及水文条件。勘察方法主要有遥感和地面调查、室内分析和模拟试验及现场的一些简便试验。道路选线原则主要是 ,绕避严重流沙地段、选择有利地貌形态、选蚀不选积、有利于防沙工程的布设、有利的风向、尽可能少的改变原始地貌形态 ,选择在沙害较轻地带通过。
Aeolian sandy soil is widely distributed in the arid and semi-arid desert areas of northern China. It is a special type of foundation soil. The emphasis and methods of engineering geological survey and the principles of route selection in desert areas are different from those in other areas. Based on the actual investigation and experimental analysis, this paper puts forward that the geological survey in the desert area mainly focuses on the desert landscape, aeolian environment, vegetation status and hydrological conditions. The survey methods mainly include remote sensing and ground survey, indoor analysis and simulation tests and some simple tests on site. Route selection principle is mainly to avoid serious sand and sand lots, choose the favorable topography, eclipse not plot, is conducive to the layout of sand control projects, favorable wind direction, as little as possible to change the original topography, the choice of sand damage than Light through.