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小学生具有活泼好动、思想活跃的特点,小学语文教学不仅要为学生打下良好的语文基础,同时还应当充分激发学生的想象力。新时期,我国积极实施了新课程改革,希望转变传统的教学理念及模式,来促进人才的全面成长,在这种情况下,加强对小学语文课堂有效教学的研究具有重要意义。从现阶段小学语文有效教学中存在的问题入手,展开了对小学语文课堂有效教学策略的研究,希望对我国小学语文教学的进步起到促进作用。 Pupils have a lively and active thinking, active in the characteristics of the primary language teaching not only to lay a good foundation for the students, but also should fully stimulate the imagination of students. In the new era, our country has actively implemented the new curriculum reform, hoping to change the traditional teaching concept and mode, to promote the all-round development of talented people. Under such circumstances, it is of great significance to strengthen the research on the effective teaching of primary Chinese classrooms. Beginning with the existing problems in the effective teaching of primary Chinese at the present stage, this paper starts with the study of effective teaching strategies in Chinese primary schools and hopes to promote the progress of Chinese teaching in primary schools.
摘要:本次研究从城市规划的角度,就城市综合体的概念、内涵、特征、类型、产生的历史背景、发展概况及前景、整体规划布局及功能组合等几个基本问题进行阐述,分析城市的发展现状、城市特性等城市综合体开发条件,研究城市综合体的整体规划布局及功能差异定位,提出总体发展策略。  关键词:城市综合体发展策略  中图分类号;P258]文献标识码;A  一、引言  近年哈尔滨市综合体迅速发展,国内大型商业地产商万达、华