1995年来我们采用自行发明的“体腔积液引流装置”[1 ] 行心包内留置引流管引流法。配合金葡液做腔内局部注射 ,治疗肺癌心包积液 3 0例 ,临床疗效显著 ,观察报告如下。1 材料和方法1.1 病人 入组的 3 0例肺癌患者均有细胞学或病理诊断依据。合并心包积液经超声心动图或胸部
In 1995 we have invented the “body cavity fluid drainage device” [1] Pericardium indwelling drainage tube drainage method. With gold and liquid do cavity intracavitary injection, the treatment of lung cancer pericardial effusion 30 cases, the clinical effect was significant, the observation report is as follows. 1 Materials and Methods 1.1 patients admitted to the group of 30 patients with lung cancer have cytological or pathological diagnosis based on. Combined pericardial effusion via echocardiography or chest