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  继全球第一大能源交易商安然公司惊爆隐瞒两百多亿美元债务的丑闻后,TYCO、全录、Global Crossing、QWWest,甚至法国的维芳迪环球传播,也都陆续传出假帐丑闻。
  Capitalism Faces Severe Challenges
  Beijing Guoxin Economic Development Strategy Research Center
  The world economy is now faced with difficulties. Followingthe bursting of the IT bubble, accounting fraud scandalsinvolving a number of big multinational corporations haverevealed the ills of capitalism based on the free market in theWest. Account book cooking and fraud, in particular, are erodingcapitalism and market freedom. They are even damaging thevery foundation of capitalist society.
   Following the exposure of the scandal that Enron, the biggestenergy trader in the world, had concealed deliberately more thanUS$20 billion worth of debts, accounting fraud scandals havehit Tyco, Adelphia, Global Crossing, Qwest and even VivendiUniversal of France.
   Investors and employees have lost confidence in the accountbooks and financial health of companies. And the public has lostconfidence in the future. Popular trust in positive returns oninvestment is the foundation for the operation of capitalism. Aloss of confidence in investment targets naturally shakes thefoundation of capitalism.
   The United States which has been most severely hit byaccounting fraud, is trying to find a cure. George W. Bush, theUS president, has urged the legislation to crack down on"corporate crimes" and called on the business community toestablish a moral and responsibility system. Members of the USCongress have also come out with a lot of rhetoric, making thesubject politically charged.
   The European economy has revealed the same kind ofcorporate ills. The future of capitalist economy is cast in gloom.
   In Europe where ways of corporate operation nudgesincreasingly closer to the American model, ills of capitalism havebecome more evident. People with insight have begun taking aclose look at the future of capitalism in Europe. Should the stateenact more strict laws or strengthen checks and balances? Howshould the status of the salaried class and the role of investmentcapital be adjusted? Europe cannot create an appropriate adjustingmode for capitalism unless it has found answers to thesequestions.
   The Pads-based Le Monde has listed eight ills of capitalismthat cry for treatment by renowned international economists.These ills are found in the following fields: the role of thecorporate council of directors, accounting standards, stockoptions, trustworthiness of the analyst, the "short-termist" trendof the stock market, audit operations, corporate rating firms andthe responsibilities and obligations of stock marketadministration. The conclusion is that reform should be carriedin each field.
   First of all, the corporate council of directors should bereformed. In theory, a council composed of 10-20 directors shouldplay the role of the principal overseer for a firm in question. Itsupervises and advises the CEO and, thereby, reduces thepossibility of wrong decision-making. In reality, however, asdirectors are usually senior managers of the same company, plusa lack of information and time, directors fail to play a supervisoryrole. The council usually degenerates into a simple registrationorgan. Reform should give teeth to the corporate council.
   Secondly, problems tend to arise from disparate accountingstandards around the world. Europe is expected to adopt theInternational Accounting Standards (IAS), whereas the UnitedStates continues to apply Generally Accepted AccountingPrinciple (GAAP). Such differences can lead to considerabledifferences on the account book. Where there is ambiguity, thereis room for financial crooks to play tricks with statistics,compromising the transparency of corporate account books.
   Now the question of stock options. In the late 1990s, about80% of the incomes of the US corporate CEOs came from stockoptions, and this has resulted in a lot of problems. Some CEOsdo their best to hike the prices of the shares they hold, whilesacrificing the future of the companies they run. Besides, incomesfrom stock options are not listed as corporate expenses, lAS hasdecided to list incomes from stock options, and Coca Cola of theUnited States has decided to do the same, but the BushAdministration is still opposed to this.
   The status of the financial analyst has taken a beating sinceaccounting fraud cases hit the headlines. Several weeks beforethe downfall of Enron, many analysts were stronglyrecommending the public to buy Enron shares. Critics now accusefinancial analysts of being too close to the financial departmentsof companies they analyze and of lacking independence.Furthermore, the analysts of some commercial banks run into severe conflict of interests and dare not make a negative analysis of their banks‘ customers.
   Audit firms have also been hit hard in the recent capitalist market upheavals. Andersen, a well-known US-based audit firm, has gone bankrupt because of its involvement in the Enron scandal.
   In early July, Weiss, a rating firm, said that, while auditfirms had rated 94% of US companies as being healthy, the factis that in the last six months, of every 100 companies that hadgone under, 42 were rated as being healthy at the end of lastyear, including 22 that had accounting problems. Whether ornot audit firms have enough authority and neutrality to effectivelyaudit the books of companies is a subject being looked into inthe United States and Europe.
   The importance of rating firms is being queried, too.Information provided by rating firms is usually the basis on whichinvestors decide where to put their money and analysts maketheir forecasts. Problem is, what rating firms analyze is limitedto a company‘s ability to pay, whereas the ability to pay does notrepresent the future of the company in question. Furthermore,the incomes of rating firms often come from the commission ofthe companies they evaluate. And evaluation is based primarilyon data provided by the companies under evaluation. If suchdata are not correct, the result of evaluation is naturally calledinto question. In particular, if a company being rated is bent oncheating, a rating firm can hardly escape the plight of beingmanipulated. As a result, beginning from the 1990s, some ratingfirms began evaluating companies on the basis of openly availabledata without the consent of the companies being evaluated.
   Is it necessary to strengthen the authority of the stock marketadministration? This is also a major subject on the capitalismreform agenda. Because, with ceaseless touting by analysts ofcommercial banks, prices of technology shares kept inflatingand because the market failed to self-regulate, the Internet bubblehas burst. To improve the situation, the finance minister of Francehas established a powerful supervisory mechanism for thefinancial market by combining stock exchange and financialmarket regulatory commissions. In the United States, PresidentBush has also decided to give more power to the Securities andExchange Commission.
   The bursting of the technology bubble and exposure ofcorporate accounting fraud has driven American-style capitalisminto an unprecedented crisis. If no deep-going reform is carriedout, capitalism faces the possibility of collapse. Europe, whichhas been under heavy American influence, needs to embark on aroad of reform if it wants to avoid following in the footsteps ofthe United States.
   Analysts have also pointed out that the regulatory functionsof the government are not a miracle drug for the ills of a freemarket. The most important factor should be ethics. Only whenevery member of the business community conducts business in all fairness and with a clear conscience can regulatory measuresreally be effective. And this may be where the greatest difficulty of capitalist reforms lies.
<正>中国西部重镇、古都西安确立新世纪发展蓝图,全力打造国际一流的高科技产业园区,力争在“十五”期间达到国际水平,2010年达到国际一流水平。 据西安市市长助理、西安高
如诗,谱写着祖国桥梁建设史上的壮丽篇章;如画,描绘着国民经济建设中的亮丽风景;如歌,闪烁着建达人不屈不挠的时代音符;如梦,实现着我国桥梁建设者们的美好憧憬。 翻开共和国改革开
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