站在我们面前的这位先生乍一看来貌不惊人。他身材适中,温良淳厚,笑容可掬,似乎并不太善于辞令。可是当他说起话来,两眼却炯炯有神,一道剑眉随着频频的手势不断地往上挑,给周围的人带来强烈的感染力。望着那英机勃发的神态,谁敢相信此公已经过了知天命的年龄了? 这人正是硕果累累的学者、香港知名度颇高的21世纪学会会长黄枝连先生。由于他才华出众,有胆有识,对许多重大的问题常常发表新颖独到的见解,故被誉为“香港惟一的优秀未来学家”。前不久,国务院发展研究中心国际技术经济研究所和美国东西方中心在北京联合举办“亚太地区技术与经济合作”国际研讨会,他作为特邀代表出席,受到
The gentleman who stood before us did not look amazing at first glance. His moderate body, warm and honest, smiling, it seems not very good rhetoric. However, when he spoke, his eyes were bright and piercing. A sword and eyebrow continued to pick up with frequent gestures, bringing strong contagious power to the people around him. Looking at the brave demeanor of the British plane, who dares to believe that this man has passed the age of fate? This is a fruitful scholar, Hong Kong’s well-known 21st Century Institute president Mr. Huang Zhilian. Because of his talented, courageous and knowledgeable, often fresh and unique views on many major issues, it is hailed as “the only outstanding futurist in Hong Kong.” Not long ago, the International Institute for Technical Economics of the State Council Development Research Center and the U.S. East-West Center jointly held an international seminar on “Technology and Economic Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific Region” in Beijing. He was invited as a specially invited representative to attend