开放式新闻生产是近年来行业热点之一,本文认为,移动媒体时代对内容分发渠道的关注,理应包含在有关开放式新闻生产的讨论中。本研究以信息传播移动化为参照语境,集中关注新闻生产流程中的内容分发环节,讨论互联网平台型公司接管原创内容分发渠道的可能性及其影响。研究主要围绕Facebook和Google两大强势内容分发平台针对移动渠道的新产品Instant Articles和AMP来展开。
Open news production is one of the hot spots in the industry in recent years. This paper argues that the concerns of content distribution channels in the mobile media era should be included in the discussion of open news production. In this study, the information dissemination and mobilization as a reference context, focusing on news production process content distribution links to discuss the possibility of Internet platform companies take over the original content distribution channels and its impact. The research focuses on Facebook and Google two powerful content distribution platforms for mobile channels, new products, Instant Articles and AMP to expand.