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开除一条狗美国航空公司是全美最赚钱的航空公司之一。美航的成功,应归功于执行长官柯南道尔所采取的一系列有效策略。其中,最值得称道的是将成本降到极限的管理方案。美航在加勒比海岸边有一个货仓,早先一直雇用一个人整夜看守,后来柯南道尔决定压缩这项开支。会上有人说:“这不可能,我们雇用这个人是用来防盗的。”柯南道尔说:“能否把他换成临时工,隔天守夜一次,应该不会有人知道他在不在。”过了一年,柯南道尔还想减少成本,便告诉下属:“能否将此人换成一条狗来巡守仓库?”下属当真这么做了,而且很有效。又过了一年,柯南道尔想把成本继续往下 Dismiss a dog American Airlines is one of the most profitable airlines in the country. American Airlines’s success owes its success to a series of effective tactics adopted by Chief Executive Conan Doyle. Among them, the most commendable is to reduce the cost of management programs. American Airlines had a warehouse on the Caribbean coast that had hired a single person overnight and was later saved by Conan Doyle. Someone at the meeting said: “It’s impossible, we hired this person is used to guard against theft. ” Conan Doyle said: “Can he be replaced by temporary workers, vigil every other day, there should be no one will know him After a year, Conan Doyle also wanted to cut costs by telling her subordinates: ”Can I change this person to a dog to patrol the warehouse?" The subordinates really did it, and it worked. Another year later, Conan Doyle wanted to keep the cost down
甬瓠 1号系宁波市农科院蔬菜研究所育成的瓠瓜杂种一代.甬瓠 1号是以地方品种宁波夜开花经多代自交选择出的自交系 94-04-3-1为母本,以另一地方品种经多代自交选择出的自交系