金秋十月,谷黄果香,正是收获时节。来自南北农村的各路体育健儿,带着丰收的喜悦,带着在运动场上一展身手的豪情,来到祖国首都北京,参加第一届全国农民运动会。这是我国历史上规模空前的一次农民体育盛会,也是我国体育事业上的一桩大喜事。 我国十亿人口,八亿在农村。没有八亿之众的衣民参加,发展群众性体育活动便只能是一句空话。在我们广阔的农村里,在各族农牧民之中,有丰富多采的
Autumn in October, Valley yellow fruit, it is harvest season. Athletes from all walks of life in the rural areas of North and South, with the joy of harvest, with the pride of going to the playground, came to Beijing, the capital of the motherland, to participate in the first National Peasant Games. This is an unprecedented peasant sporting event in the history of our country and a great joy event in our country’s sports. One billion of China’s population and 800 million in the countryside. Without the participation of more than 800 million people, it is only a nonsense to develop mass sports activities. In our vast countryside, there are rich and varied people of all ethnic groups