【摘 要】
好不容易有个周末,星期天早晨8:00整我在梦中神游正酣,枕头旁边的手机猛然间欢快的叫了起来:叮呤呤……。谁这么烦人?我恼坏了,抓起电话看了一眼就想扔出去,忽然发现那个号码十分熟悉,不是我的梦中情人MM么?我立刻用十分温柔加百分磁性的声音接通电话:喂!………… 原来,MM要我帮忙配一台电脑,平时在宿舍学习娱乐用。这可是我表现的好机
Finally, there was a weekend, Sunday morning at 8:00 I am in my dreams in full swing, the phone next to the pillow suddenly joyfully called up: norepinephrine ... .... Who is so annoying? I am annoyed, grabbed the phone looked away and wanted to throw it out, I suddenly found that the number is very familiar with, is not my dream MM? I immediately with a very gentle plus magnetic percentage of the sound of the phone : Hey! ............ The original, MM to help me with a computer, usually in the dormitory learning entertainment. This is a good opportunity for my performance
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Oranges!I loved them.I used to eat them all dayand every day.But one day a policeman foundseventeen oranges in my pockets.He locked me upand I have never eaten