To explore the distinctions of mode of thinking reflected inEnglish and Chinese will greatly facilitate the translation between the twolanguages. English thinking on Phatic language is patternized while theChinese one is adjustable to situations; the logical sequence of noun phraseis linear in Chinese while it is non -linear in English; connections of ideasto certain phenomena are different in Chinese and Engl ish; the mode of thinkingon Informative language in Chinese is inductive but mostly deductive inEnglish; there are less logical connectives (or signals ) in Chinese than inEnglish. These differences in the mode of thinking require the appropriateemployment of inversion, addition, omission and other techniques intranslation.
To explore the distinctions of mode of thinking reflected in English and Chinese will substantially facilitate the translation between the twolanguages. English thinking on Phatic language is patternized while theChinese one is adjustable to situations; the logical sequence of noun phrase linear in Chinese while it is non - linear in English; connections of ideasto certain phenomena are different in Chinese and Engl ish; the mode of thinkingon Informative language in Chinese is inductive but mostly deductive inEnglish; there are less logical connectives (or signals) in Chinese than in English. These differences in the mode of thinking require the appropriate employment of inversion, addition, omission and other techniques intranslation.