历史学家威廉·麦克高希《世界文明史》(Five Epochs of Civilization:W orldH istory as Em erging in Five Civilizations,以下简称《文明史》)出版以后,在史学界引起很大的反响,争论蜂起。事实上本书从传播学视角论述世界文明,跨学科的研究方法使得人们将它放到传播学书架或
After the publication of the Five Epochs of Civilization by William McGonotheheur, the historian William Wiggish as Em erging in Five Civilizations (hereinafter referred to as “Civilization History”), it has aroused great repercussions in the historiography community. . In fact, this book discusses world civilization from the perspective of communication studies. Interdisciplinary research methods have led people to put it on the bookshelf of Communication Studies