《2010年见索即付保函统一规则》与旧规则相比,在6个方面做了重大修改。“见索即付保函”(Demand Guarantee)是担保人替债务人(申请人)向债权人(受益人)开出的凭规定单据赔款的承诺书,是集担保、融资、支付及相关服务为一体的多功能金融产品。国际商会制订的《2010年见索即付保函统一规则》(以下简称URDG758)已经于2010年7月1日起正式生效,
The Unified Rules for Demand-Pay Guarantees 2010 have been significantly modified in six aspects compared to the previous one. ( “Demand Guarantee ” (DemandPen) is the guarantor for the debtor (the applicant) to the creditor (beneficiary) issued by the promissory note promissory note is a guarantee, financing, payment and related services One of the multi-functional financial products. The Uniform Rules for Demand-Payment Guarantees 2010 (hereinafter referred to as URDG758) formulated by the International Chamber of Commerce has come into effect on July 1, 2010,