由于硅雪崩光电二极管(Si APD)的雪崩点电压会随着温度变化,目前基于Si APD的单光子探测器性能指标非常容易受环境温度的影响,这极大的限制了探测器全天候野外条件下的实际应用。本文发展了一种可以在大环境温度变化范围内稳定工作的Si APD单光子探测技术。主要技术途径是通过制冷与数字偏压补偿相结合的技术,自动补偿Si APD的工作温度漂移,保持稳定的雪崩增益。实验证明了在-40℃~45℃的温度范围内单光子探测器可以高稳定性工作。结果表明利用我们发展的自动补偿的新技术,Si APD单光子探测器具备了在温度变化较大的外场稳定运行的能力,为机载或星载光子计数激光测量提供了高稳定的单光子探测技术。
Since the voltage at the avalanche point of a silicon avalanche photodiode (Si APD) varies with temperature, the current performance of single-photon detectors based on Si APD is very susceptible to ambient temperature, which greatly limits the sensitivity of the detector under all-weather field conditions The practical application. In this paper, we develop a Si APD single-photon detection technology that can work stably in a wide temperature range. The main technical approach is through the combination of refrigeration and digital bias compensation technology to automatically compensate for the operating temperature drift Si APD maintain a stable avalanche gain. Experiments show that in the temperature range of -40 ℃ ~ 45 ℃ single-photon detectors can work with high stability. The results show that using our newly developed automatic compensation technology, Si APD single-photon detectors have the ability to operate stably in out-of-field temperature variations and provide a highly stable single-photon detection for on-board or astrophotometric laser measurements technology.