Looking back upon the course of the de-velopment of world’s medicines at the timeof the forthcoming of the 21st century willdefinitely offer us a lot of inspir
Shao Jingming 邵经明(Henan College ofTCM)Based on my many years’ clinical expe-rience,I have selected Feishu(UB 13),Dazhui(Du 14)and Fengmen(UB 12)asmain point
PRESENT SITUATION OFCHINESE ACUPUNCTURE ANDMOXIBUSTION EDUCATIONThe science of acupuncture andmoxibustion(Acup-Moxi)is an importantbranch of Traditional Chinese
Yu Guiqing 余桂清(Guang An Men Hospi-tal,China Academy of Traditional ChineseMedicine,Beijng 100053)The therapeutic strategy regarding can-cer pain is first to
Chronic gastritis is a common disease mostfrequently occurring in persons over middle age.With the widespread use of the fibergastroscopicbiopsy technique,an in
At its prodromal stage,apoplexy is char-acterized mainly by such premonitory symp-toms as headache,feeling of fullness andheaviness in the head,walking withunst
Dong Demao 董德懋(Guang An Men Hos-pital,China Academy of TCM,Beijing)Epigastralgia may be classified into theexcess and the deficiency types.For the ex-cess ty