汽轮机叶片材料的使用经验与事故断裂金相分析 前言

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史无前例的无产阶级文化大革命促进了我国国民经济的飞速发展,这要求电力工业走在前头,为工农业提供更多的优质电力。近年来,在我国各地安装了大批新的大容量机组,保证这些机组安全满发是电业职工责无旁贷的义务。另外,解放后陆续投产运行的各种类型的机组,运行时间不断增长,如何保证这些机组的安全运行和延长它们的使用期限,是我们贯彻落实毛主席的勤俭建国方针的光荣任务。目前影响火力发电机组正常运行,造成停机停炉事故的主要原因之一是汽轮机叶片的断落。全国各地电厂、中试所和制造部门为此作了大量的工作,取得显著的效果。我所在1975~1976年设立专题对叶片断裂事故进行分析,以期达到了解叶片损坏的原因,摸索防止叶片损坏的方法,总结叶片材料的使用经验。伟大的批林批孔和批邓反击右倾翻案风运动给我们以巨大的动力。我们遵照伟大领袖毛主席的教导,开门办科研,深入生产第一线,学习工人师傅的优秀品质和丰富的生产实践经验,学到很多在书本上和实验室里学不到的东西,丰富了总结的内容。在工作 The unprecedented proletarian cultural revolution has promoted the rapid development of our national economy, which requires the power industry to take the lead in providing more quality electricity to industry and agriculture. In recent years, a large number of new large-capacity units have been installed in various parts of our country to ensure that these units are safe and safe. In addition, the various types of generating units that have been put into operation one after another since the liberation have been running continuously. How to ensure the safe operation of these units and extend their service life are the glorious tasks of implementing Chairman Mao’s principle of building a thrift economy. At present, one of the main reasons that affect the normal operation of the thermal power generating set and causing the shut-down and shutdown of the gas turbine is the breaking off of the steam turbine blades. Power plants, pilot laboratories and manufacturing departments across the country have done a great deal of work to achieve this with remarkable results. From 1975 to 1976, I set up a special project to analyze the blade breakage accident so as to understand the cause of the blade damage, explore the method of preventing the blade damage, and sum up the experience of using the blade material. The great batch of Lin approved and the batch of Deng’s right counterattack on the bill of lading have given us great impetus. Following the teachings of Chairman Mao, the great leader, we open the door for scientific research, go deep into the front lines of production, learn the excellent qualities of workers’ masters and rich practical experience in production, and learn many things that can not be learned in books and laboratories. Summarized content. working