抗战后期美国对华政策的变化是国共关系变化的晴雨表。抗战后期美国基于自身利益和战后霸权考虑 ,其对华政策的基本点是保持中国内部团结、防止分裂 ,促使国民党政府联合共产党领导的抗日力量 ,共同抗击日军。但在促蒋联共及对蒋介石政府支持力度上 ,摇摆不定 ,走出了一条“之”字路 ,国共谈判也因此谈谈停停 ,阴晴不一 ,最终因美国政府对华政策彻底转向助蒋压共拒苏 ,而导致战后国共关系破裂 ,内战爆发。美国对华政策以失败而告终
The Change of U.S. Policy toward China in the Post War Period is a Barometer of the Change in the Relations between the KMT and the CPC. After the Anti-Japanese War, based on its own interests and postwar hegemony, the United States considered that the basic point of its policy on China was to maintain its internal unity and prevent its division and push the Kuomintang government to unite with the anti-Japanese forces under the leadership of the Communist Party to jointly fight against the Japanese. However, on urging the alliance of Chiang Kai-shek and Chiang Kai-shek’s government to support it, it has been swinging out of ambiguity and coming out of a “word” path. Therefore, the Kuomintang talks about the suspension and the unevenness of the U.S. government’s policy towards China. In the end, Chiang Kai-shek refused to Soviet Union, leading to the rupture of relations between the KMT and the CPC after the war, and the civil war broke out. U.S. policy toward China ended in failure