1986年10月,卡特彼勒公司在亚利桑那州菲尼克斯(Phoenix)附近的卡特彼勒公司属地召开的有技术出版物代表参加的一次会议期间公布了推土机的一个新系列。之后,又在拉斯维加斯(Las Vegas)召开的美国采矿协会矿业展览会(AMC Mining Show)上展示出这种系列的新产品。这些新产品将代替D8L、D9L和D10L,据称现约有8000台这类设备正在全世界使用。这些D8N、D9N和D10N型的,和当前新公布的D11N型一起组
In October 1986, Caterpillar unveiled a new series of bulldozers during a meeting attended by representatives of technical publications held by Caterpillar Inc. near Phoenix, Arizona. Later, this series of new products was displayed at the AMC Mining Show in Las Vegas. These new products will replace D8L, D9L and D10L, and it is reported that there are about 8,000 such devices being used worldwide. These D8N, D9N, and D10N models are grouped with the newly announced D11N model.